Yankee Sisters caught in the South

Monday, September 20, 2004

Irritating things

M: Things that irritated me this weekend:

1.) Took the #2Man-Child to the Man's job on Friday. We call #2 Imelda since he has a shoe fetish. He wanted his shoes off so I complied. Upon departure we had to walk past an entrance to the building where 6 cops were sitting. 6, not 2, not 4 but 6 -- with guns (mind you, this is the handicapped entrance and the only one who ever uses it is me since I had the double stroller). So he is running towards them on the marble and one cop pipes in:(mini-script)

Cop: He needs to have his shoes on.
M: *chuckles* Not a problem, we are heading out the door right there.
Cop: No, he needs shoes on now. These floors are filthy.
M: *biting her tongue* You should see the floors at our house.

And out the door we went. Now I know their job is very important, THEY HAVE GUNS! But really, there has got to be something else for those cops to be doing.

2.) Went to Costco on Sunday. Why do I do that to myself (and why do they have Christmas decorations for sale already? I was stuck in that aisle the entire time with #1 and #2 while the Man got steaks, beer, chips, power strips and batteries. All things we really needed.) So I am beyond irritated standing in the checkout line. #2 is goofing around and busts his lip on the cart -- screaming begins. I grab him to check for blood (no blood but a new thrush infection!). #1 is milling around. Bizarre lady starts screaming next to me:

Lady: OH, OH, OH! Stop him! Look, stop him!
M: *trying to ignore her by focusing on the other 1,000 people in line*
L: Hey you LOOK!
M: *glances over and realize she is shouting and pointing at me! All 1,000 other people in line start looking at me*
L: He is LICKING the cart!
M: *glances at #1, who is in fact licking the cart....is that a problem?**she gets the eye roll*

The Man returned (getting two industrial sized Scope mouthwashes) in time to ask me what the commotion was about.

That was my weekend. A, who is the person at the rallies? I can see he irritates you but I have no idea who he is. How is it that I work in politics and don't follow it but you don't and know everything?


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